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luyenchuong3000 09-06-2020 02:32

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You got big ones, small ones, medium ones, hard to find ones, expensive ones, and all the calibers.
You even got all the red dots, slings, grips, lights, lasers, LVPOs, and all the other accessories to make you a bad ass.
A big tough guy with all his toys
However, you lack discipline, compassion, mercy, kindness, patience, and sound decision making.
You pick up your gun and yell 1776 but you truly aren't studied up on freedom. You lack the perspective of others, understanding, and caution when attacking your fellow American. You allow the various media outlets to fill your mind with frustration, your heart with anger, and your soul with rage. You speak and act, too often, from a place of ignorance. Many times, you can tell me what a Red Coat is, but not a statist; I wonder why?
You pick up your gun and say "I wish a MF would". You do that because you don't truly understand chaos, battle, confrontation, and prison. You sit and have fantasies about using your guns, because you can't wait for the opportunity to show just how tough you are. Half the time, you have these visions of violence, against people who look just like you. The kind of attitude that would have you forgive the Master and attack your fellow slave. The type who wants war, because you have decided chaos is the thing that causes change; however, you lack the discipline and foresight to make change using other avenues.
You barely train [in any discipline], read something other than a blog, or listen to others with opposing views.
You don't think critically and rely heavily on confirmation bias, woeful ignorance, and your favorite media outlet or influencer to tell you how to feel. However, you also remind everyone how the media is the devil; not realizing you're in the devils trance.
You want a nasty war in this country but don't understand logistics, how to grow and harvest food, basic engineering, etc. Many of those asking for war, recently were complaining about the lack of tissue.
YOU GOT ALL THE GUNS BIG FELLA, but you are lacking the true substance that will help you understand the deeper meaning of what owning the guns mean.

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