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Old 11-10-2012   #53
R7 Tuyệt Đỉnh Cao Thủ
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To : guy19

Bear w/ me a little bit here since I have to use Google translate in an attempt to comprehend your finely tune English. Okay?

1) Please read the FAQ - me said site doesn't require VN in talking, but you need put marks accent in writing.

2) My profession and educational level are not germane to the current debate. But since you ask so graciously, I have a doctorate in Googling & Noodling from ACME University w/ my dissertation being "The Propensity of Homo Sapiens to Distinctly Package Bovine Excrements In Defensive Deployment"

3) Thnk you for your concern, I live pretty well, but like most people could be better

Now I don't want you to feel like a wart and be stranded, here's your requested inclusion:

1) "Obama cải tổ luật di trú vào giờ chót cho tụi Mể ...tại sau phải đợi vào giờ chót ...có phải là hành động đê tiện để kiếm phiếu không?"

Nice spin, but they're all big boys that are pro at playing the game. Like I have stated before, improper demographics due diligence was the crux of the GOP meltdown - loss popular vote and a landslide in electoral college. Just b/c Dumbo's strategies were totally miscalculated and now they're trying to rationalized their failure, don't come crying post ad hoc. GOP was and still is a predominantly "white only" membership. You can call it anything you desire, the result have resoundly spoken for a party that is not in tune w/ the voters. Thus, an about face was required post trauma x 1 day by the GOP on certain issues - ie. immigration. What do you expect from politicians? Hypocrite one day, baby kissing the next. I promised to tell you no lies. Read my lips. No new taxes ...

2) "Obama care đúng tốt cho nhửng người thất nghiệp , nhửng kẻ ăn bám , chứ như tơi và nhửng người tôi quen đi làm nhưng giờ đây phải è cổ ra trả thêm tiền bảo hiểm bởi v́ cái Kề Đít dành cho nhửng người như bạn ."

Obamacare actually doesn't address the unemployed directly - only as an indirect consequences of being unemployed. For the unemployed, the main source of income and daily living comes from unemployment benefits, either from their former employer severance packages and or government unemployment benefits, which is set very close to the current poverty level if my memory is correct. And you'll probably be madder than a mad hatter, unemployment benefits extensions have always been renewed this past decade. Thus some people have been on unemployment benefits for the past 3-4+ years - reference FUTA Tax. Since the majority of Americans have some form of health coverage thru their employment, Obamacare is only a band aid for the additional 5-4% of Americans w/o ins. - at least one of its result. There will still be an additional 2-3% of Americans that fall b/w the crack; thus, no health coverage.

Glad to see that you and your friends are employed. Consider yourself fortunate since there is approximately 8% of Americans who aren't. What you're advocating is a winner-take-all, fend for yourself and you’re on your own society. Pure Darwinism - nothing wrong with that. But wait, some GOP members also advocate creationism. My point is "don't be an outlier in the 3+ SD range". Nature has a tendency to eliminate those first. And b/c there will always be somebody w/ a bigger dick, tits and or ass, be less narcissistic. One less beef noodle soup and ice milk coffee will not deprive your onset time scheduled meeting with your maker.

3) "Obama đả làm được nhửng ǵ tiền thuế th́ không c̣n được giảm mà c̣n phải đóng thêm , c̣n nửa nếu ai mà không mua bảo hiểm th́ bị INS phạt ..."

Again, WTF! INS has nothing do to w/ Obamacare. The penalty for no insurance begins at $95 dollars and phase up to a maximum of $695 dollars or 2.5% of income. If you want to know about the budget, it is published annually when the President submit his fiscal year budget proposal to Congress. As stated before, do a cost benefit analysis to determine the break even point, then decided w/ or w/o ins. which best meets your financial goals.

4) "Obama đưa nước US ra khỏi vũng lầy Irac nhưng lại sa vào vủng śnh Afga chẳng lẻ không thấy sau ..có lẻ bạn có vấn đề với con mắt hay cái tai của bạn hảy dùng Obama care đi check lại đi bảo đảm bạn sẻ không trả đồng nào v́ có chúng tôi nhửng người đi làm đóng thuế trả cho bạn."

Actually, it's you who required medical attention for the selective amnesia or maybe just a plain old brain fart. The US involvement in Afghanistan began w/ Bush senior approximately 1 month post 09/11/2001. US, British and etc ..., and in conjunction w/ Afghanistan, troops, were deployed in October 2011. Their primary goal was to dismantle the Taliban, which they partially did. When Obama came into office, he significantly increased the number of deployed troops per request by the commanding generals on the field of operation. And if you had pulled your hand out of your pant long enough in class, you would be cognizant that US dealing with the Taliban began in the Reagan administration. Thus, put your own advice to good use and bend over .... please. I promised, this will hurt only a little bit the 1st time. Oh, your a natural. Have you been using that hole as an "innnie" for a long time?

5) "bạn hảy nghỉ kỷ tại sau nhửng tiểu bang có ít người thất nghiệp , nhửng tiểu bang ít bị suy thoái kinh tế lại không bầu cho Obama mà nhửng tiểu bang thất nghiệp , hưởng trợ cấp nhiều bầu cho OBama"

That is why it's call a union of states! At different times, different states will go through good and bad economic upheavals - ie. CA golden day from 2003-2007 vs. 2008-2011. By your logic, lets cut out those parts that are diseased and or not having a good day. Obviously I have taken extreme liberties w/ the logical outcome.

6) "nhân quyền cho VN đả bị tụi cầm quyền nhà trắng hiện nay mà thể hiện rỏ nhất qua thái độ của Obama đối với thỉnh nguyện thư cho nhạc sỉ Việt Khang coi như 1 tờ giấy trắng"

With one hand you reap its rewards, ie. job, security, welfare, relative peace, comfort and etc ..., but with the other hand you strike a discord on the part that doesn't suit you. Et tu Brutus! Will thirty pieces of silver make it better for you? Well, isn't that nice. You're a hypocrite too. Similar to Mr. Okay's statement, "OBAMA không làm ǵ giúp người Việt chúng ta", and again what other former presidents have done anything for the free people of VN in the US? None. Zilch. Zero. Nada. All presidents are pro US interests only! What you're naive expectation and comprehension want? If "điều đó đối với bạn không căm thấy nhục nhả sau " so compelled you, why don't you leave the country? Be a nice Asian, commit hari kari? Not my word. Your GOP brethren. Oh, I hear Mr. Okay's mom is calling. It's nursing time.

7) "đừng v́ 1 miếng cơm mà bán rẻ nhân quyền bán rẻ lương tâm của ḿnh , đừng v́ quyền lợi trước mắt mà quên đi cái lợi lâu dài ...và nhất là đừng thắc mắc mà c̣n a-dua theo trong khi không rơ việc ḿnh làm"

Plagerism, but still profound words ... too bad they go on deaf ears. Will another thirty pieces of silver make it even better for you? How about sixty pieces of silver? Be less narcissistic. But I hear crickets up there! No sorry. False alarm. It's just the AC.

8) Overall, my friends and colleagues only gave you one "d", reference VN infamous three "d", and obviously "a Han word w/ the g"

9) Again, thnk you for your concern. I'm okay. Are you okay. OKAY?
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