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Old 01-29-2014   #24
R7 Tuyệt Đỉnh Cao Thủ
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1) Actually, I have never seen you as a VC. The war has been over for a long time. Did you learned anything from the war? A basic definition of VC doesn't fit your profile. Just the total opposite. You're a fellow countryman that CSVN and Thang Ho have properly trained and is now their boy toy, remember my prior replies

"Pavlov experiments have come true again
Crap in and crap out,
The mutt has now been properly trained - I see
To obey and not question my verbal commands
To close your your mind and only see
China command and so it will be!"

2) Funny, it was okay in prior replies and other threads to converse in English. And I didn't even belittle your English abilities. Now, already gave up? This only reinforce my statement of "The future generation have no attachments to their history and the sheered lack of will to fight for it".

Your request to converse in VN cannot be fufil due to the fact that you're not speaking the native tongue. Which version of VN are you referring to? The pre & post Chinese enslavement era? the jesuit era? the French colonial era? The logical sequence and reasoning is not too complicated for you? Is it? The current linguistic and phonetics are just a conglomeration of Chinese, French, US English and etc ... all meshed together. There is no cohesive national identity - all lost thanks to Thang Ho. What a legacy!

3) As to your picture of masses of former nationals returning home for the Lunar New Year, it's faulty logic again. It doesn't mean they support the current oppressive regime. Just the opposite! If you peel away the layers and dig some more, the answer is not that difficult! These former nationals come home to visit their families (that's it!) and then return home to their adoptive countries of residence! Why? Because they don't believe and have no confidence in CSVN. Hell, even down to the basics of justice and equitable compensation are laughable! And they know it!

For the ties that binds the family, they're paying respect to and following the cultural norms of their ancestors. Something that the Party clearly do not want to loose control! As I have stated before,

"No need for guns and ships
No need to waste our boys, women and men
When all we have to do ... is
Employed our simpleton Nguyễn Sinh Côn
He is our man

Master and slave be it now and then
CSVN was always our master plan
China as parent... CSVN its slave
So it was One thousand years ago
So it will now be, from now 'til the end

Communism in all its glories
Only demand one thing ...
Be loyal to the Party!
And live like kings and thugs
To rule this pigeon coop you call Vietnam

Forget your parent, teacher and king
The Party is now your only God and king
Worship the Party's Master Plan and you'll be fine,
Protect Its life as if it was fine wine
But in the end, there's only one guarantee
The Party will screw you first and ignore your freedom and demands

CSVN is now your Me and whore,
Begone and buried your Trưng sisters and Lê your king
No need to cry at their demise,
Their bones and ashes have all been swept aside,
Blown to the neither world is were they belong
CSVN is now your only rice ... and tributes our only demand!

So lets plunder these fools as fast as we can
These simpletons would never know,
To scheme and cheat are our best vices ...
CSVN will never understand,
They were fool by the Americans
So they'll be fool by us again!

Enjoy this party, I do proclaim
There's plenty of cheap liquor and hoes to go around
These dam fools are too gulled to see,
We line their pockets with empty promises and yuan

But yet they keep coming back for more and more
Clamoring for our cheap promises and products again and again,
CSVN is truly a gift from Thang Ho in all his glories
But what do you expect from Ba Đ́nh and all of its narcissistic glories
Dumb as fuck and yet so blind ...
They're truly our best boy toy at any time!


Compel to finish this work in progress as you can see
I have try my best to convey to you at what I see,
CSVN has been my helpful co-conspirator in this charade
If you have ways to improve our countrymen plight,
Please don't hesitate and stand up for what is right
Don't be like Ba Đ́nh and TN PBN
To line your pockets and close your eyes ... And turn and walk away

Their (CSVN) deception and tyranny known no bounds,
Behind The Wall of their master home ...
May it be The Wall inside Ba Đ́nh or The Bund
We'll always find the strength to overcome

So stand up and be counted for what is right and just
For one day children will run and shout,
Get your stinking hands off of me ... You're dirty
Finally, Mẹ Vietnam is free

No matter if you have objection to it, I'll just let it be!
'Cause it's the right to do ... for Mẹ Vietnam will be free
But remember just one thing from this and you will know
"Don't believe in what they (CSVN) say ...but believe in what they do" still holds,
Test it out and you will see ...
That's my two cents worth from me to you

Yeah and it's also Free."

.. And

"The Party is God and king,
I hear nothing
I see nothing
I forget everything
I can't even think without being commanded"

CSVN knows about this problem and have set up actual special departments within country and at all their embassies and consulates to try to entice former professional nationals to return home. Hell, multiple resolutions in the National Assembly have been passed to entice more nationals to return home since the 1990's.

Oh yeah, that picture also clearly demonstrates the lack of scientific and technological advancements in CSVN and the need of CSVN survival base upon the greenbacks cash flow. If my memory is correct, the US is now the biggest trading and investment partner for CSVN w/ > 15+ billions dollars as of 2012. For the past 2+ decaded since the Fall of South Vietnam, close to half of CSVN GDP came from nationals sending money home.

4) "C̣n lói về Tư Do th́ ở Forum này c̣n không có Tự do th́ lói VN làm ǵ"

Just like Mr. One Nite stand (TMD), in one hand you reap its rewards and in the other you strike it down when it doesn't fit into your designs. Et tu Brutus? Will another 32 pieces of silver help ease your distention? How about 60 pieces of silver then? If this was in CSVN, the site would have been shut down and members would be hunted. Members would not have the abilities to voice their opinions in this oppressive regime! If this was true, your replies and participation would have been voided. Oops, sorry! Do you have another conspiracy theory to entertain us?

5) "th́ Thời Đại nào có Tự Do như VN hôm nay không"

God, you're killing me with these laughable, asinine joke! But I can't really fault you on this b/c that has been your only world. Go outside CSVN and open your eyes and experience a wider freedom.

You don't have to translate this, I know it has been a long read. So, just translate this last statement -

Words to live by & still holds truth :

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