R11 Độc Cô Cầu Bại
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Did… Did It Work?
Bizarre, Current Events, Doctor/Physician, Malaysia, Religion, Silly | Healthy | March 14, 2021
This is a story my colleague told me about his uncle. His uncle is rather superstitious and believes in a lot of weird things. When he tests positive for a certain rapidly spreading illness, his first reaction is to go to a bomoh — Malaysian witch-doctor — for an exorcism. For various reasons, my colleague is stuck accompanying his uncle to the bomoh.
Bomoh: “Okay, I can exorcise you. Hold still, please.”
Uncle: “Okay.”
Bomoh: “Begone, evil spirits!”
He pulls out a toy laser gun and points it at [Uncle]’s head.
Bomoh: “All-laaah!”
Typing this out does not give it justice. The way my colleague repeated it, it sounded like a mix of singsong, bombastic, and high.
He pulls the trigger and the gun lights up.
Bomoh: “Fire, fire, fire! Pew, pew, pew! Fire, fire, fire!”
My colleague’s jaw drops, [Uncle]’s jaw drops, and they sit there, stunned.
Bomoh: “Not enough? Okay. Duaaal wieeld!”
He says that last bit the same way he said, “Allah!” previously.
He pulls out another toy gun and fires it at [Uncle].
My colleague didn’t tell me what happens next, but when the exorcism is over…
Uncle: “Uh, maybe we should go to the hospital.”
Colleague: “You think?”
Once he finished his quarantine, my colleague returned to work and told me all about it.
Colleague: “Like, the man was hip. I didn’t think that bomohs were so advanced these days.”
Me: “He sounded like he was high on something.”
Colleague: “Oh, he probably was. But that was just silly, man.”
R11 Độc Cô Cầu Bại
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Alas, Poor Howard! A Fellow Of Infinite Thrift!
Bizarre, Thrift Store, USA | Healthy | March 13, 2021
On a break between classes, I decide to browse through a thrift store up the street. It’s shortly before Halloween, so there’s the usual assortment of worse-for-the-wear stuffed witches and sequined black cats… and then, between a bag of fake cobwebs and a dented plastic jack-o’-lantern, I find a human skull. A real one.
It’s been prepped for anatomy classes, with the jaw hinged and all the cranial sutures labeled, so my guess is that someone just assumed it was another Halloween decoration without bothering to look any closer. I immediately grab it; I’m a medical student with a deep sense of the macabre, and I’d love nothing more than to have a human skull to put in my office someday. Now, the question is whether it’s legal for me to have it and whether bringing a skull home would bother my boyfriend.
Five minutes of frantic Googling informs me that it’s perfectly legal for a private citizen to own human body parts in my state, but it’s illegal to sell them without a license. Given that the skull is in with the Halloween decorations and already showing a few cracks from rough handling, I decide that’s a risk I’ll run, and I text my boyfriend.
Me: “I found a human skull in a thrift store. It’s $4. I’m pretty sure they thought it was a Halloween prop.”
Boyfriend: “Did you just stumble into a murder mystery? I don’t want to have to rescue you from mysterious kidnappers.”
Me: “No, it looks like an anatomy class skull, so it probably wasn’t a murder victim. Would it bother you if I bought it?”
Boyfriend: “As long as it’s not murder evidence, go for it. That used to be really important to someone; it seems wrong for it to be sitting on a shelf for $4.”
Having gotten the okay from my boyfriend, I grab a cheap towel to cushion the skull and finish looking through the store. There’s a huge stack of outdated dentistry books from the 1960s and a few gummy, faded classroom models of teeth and jaws one shelf over, so my guess is that the skull used to belong to a retired dentist and was donated and put up for sale without anyone noticing it was real. As soon as I get back to campus, I take it to one of my professors. He confirms that, yep, it’s real, and tells me that based on the facial structure and the way it’s been prepped, it’s probably a male from the 1940s. My professor also points out a couple of signs of disease-related bone damage and asks if he can borrow the skull during the class unit on tuberculosis.
My boyfriend and I have named the skull Howard. He lives on our mantlepiece and visits the class with me once a semester. I do not regret buying him.
R11 Độc Cô Cầu Bại
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We Don’t Want To Know Where She Was Looking
Health & Body, Medical Office, Parents/Guardians, Seattle, USA, Washington | Healthy | March 12, 2021
I’m at the doctor’s office, and a woman comes in crying and shouting.
Woman: “I can’t find my daughter’s prostate!”
The nurse calmly explained to her what the prostate is for and why women don’t have them. The woman left, looking humiliated.
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Food has always been a source of nourishment for both the body and the soul. It not only provides us with sustenance and energy but can also bring us joy, comfort, and a sense of connection.
R1 Thường Dân
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I'm glad you're turning to food for some comfort. One thing you might want to try is incorporating more natural mood-boosting ingredients into your meals. For example, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon or chia seeds, are known to support brain health and improve mood. Dark chocolate, especially the one with higher percentage of cacao, can also have positive impact on mood. Additionally, you might find this website useful for finding substitutes and healthier alternatives in your recipes: https://eatdelights.com/Substitutes/. Hope this helps!"
Last edited by lekefa43; 07-03-2023 at 14:56.